#### Package scripts for auto update all certs. #### Uses apache2 or nginx and the certbot package. #### avto4certbot version:0.5.0 * If the error “Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized” occurs, use the following parameter: ``` git -c http.sslVerify=false clone https://develop.qbpro.ru/master/auto4certbot.git ``` * Install: ``` git clone https://develop.qbpro.ru/master/auto4certbot.git cd ~/auto4certbot/src mkdir -p /etc/auto4certbot cp * /etc/auto4certbot/ ``` * edit avto4certbot.conf * To check the operation, run the script without parameters, it will install the necessary packages or tell you what needs to be installed. * if everything is installed, the answer will be: ``` please input pameters: avto4certbot.sh --create [apache & nginx && proxy]| --update [apache & nginx] | --flist [apache & nginx] avto4certbot.sh --create; create new certificate or --create [apache & nginx && proxy]; create new certificate avto4certbot.sh --update; update certificates or --update [apache & nginx && proxy]; update [apache & nginx]; avto4certbot.sh --flist; update certificates from ssl or --flist [apache & nginx && proxy]; rescan list certificates; avto4certbot.sh --help; this help * examples: avtocertbot.sh --update apache or avtocertbot.sh --update nginx or avtocertbot.sh --update apache proxy ``` * Use the --create [apache or nginx] parameter to create the first certificate. * example crontab: ``` ## autocertbot 24 01 * * * root /etc/avto4certbot/avto4certbot.sh --update nginx ``` * check work - create on server: ``` echo "WELCOME" >/var/www/certbot/www/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.txt ``` * check from an external client: ``` curl -ikL http://mydomen.ru/.well-known/acme-challenge/test.txt ``` License: GPLv2.0